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navichain transport – transport management

navichain transport includes the essential functions of transport management and transport planning. The transport manager can quickly keep track of incoming transport assignments, sort them per customer and per assignment status. The transport assignments can be supplemented and updated in navichain and with the push of a button, the desired shipping documents are created, digitally and / or printed.

It is easy to do routing in navichain using the convenient map function. The transport manager adds the transport bookings that should be included in a route, which is then shown in the map. navichain automatically sets the estimated start time and transit time, based on the bookings that are in the route. It’s easy to add new bookings and or remove bookings from the route. The route can be laid out on the vehicle and driver or to an external transport supplier. The driver can accept the assignment in the driver app. The transport manager can see when the driver has accepted the assignment.

navichain includes views that make it easy to get an overview of all bookings and routes as well as its status.

Updated on 2025-01-27