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navichain transport – price list management

Are you struggling to manage complex price tariffs, fuel surcharges or other surcharges like temperate transports and dangerous goods? Look no further! Our price list management system can help you easily manage all of these, taking the guesswork out of pricing for you.

You have the ability to specify exactly how a shipment should be priced. Whether you want to base the price on weight, volume, number of pallets, number of flak meters, or a combination of these factors, our system will calculate the appropriate tax based on the place of dispatch and delivery.

Our system caters for different customers by allowing you to apply different price tariffs. You can add additional price surcharges to a particular shipment or set a special price for the entire shipment if required. With our price list management, you won’t have to worry about the hassle of complex pricing anymore.
Updated on 2025-01-27