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navichain transport

navichain Transport helps you simplify and streamline your transport operations.

There are a number of functions to manage your transport services and facilitate transport management.

navichain mobile app for Drivers is an easy way for you to get the current status of all your cars and shipments.

navichain transport is intended for transport providers

Some of the core features included in this module are:

Manage transportation services and fares

Administer drivers and vehicle fleet

Manage subcontractors and outsource assignments to subcontractors

Traffic planning

Receive transport bookings

Manage routes for transport bookings

Perform transportation services

Create invoice specifications

navichain transport is intended for transport providers.
Some of the core functions included in this module are management of transportation services and fares, administration of drivers and vehicle fleet. navichain transport also includes functions for managing subcontractors and outsourcing tasks to them.
navichain transport also includes central functions for traffic planning such as receiving transport bookings, routing and follow-up of the transport services performed.
navichain also creates invoice specifications for completed assignments.

Updated on 2025-01-27